Terms of Use of the website
1. “Site”/“Website” shall mean all information, all copyright photos and graphic images, designs, texts and other materials or resources which are located at the address https://ghenadimitrova.info/, and at any subdomain of the same address.
2. “Visitor” shall mean any person who uses the Website https://ghenadimitrova.info/ and/or the services/information provided through it.
Article 1. (1) These Terms of Use shall govern the relations between Ghena Dimitrova Foundation, Unified Identification Code (UIC) 205403427, having its seat and address of management in Mladost 1 Residential District, Block 98V, Entrance B, Apt. 56, Studentski Region, 1797 Sofia, e-mail: foundationghenadimitrova@gmail.com (hereinafter referred to as the “Foundation”) and any person (hereinafter referred to as “Visitor”) who uses the website https://ghenadimitrova.info/ and/or the services/information provided through it (the “Site”, “Website”).
(2) The Website https://ghenadimitrova.info/ is an information portal created to achieve the Foundation’s objectives, which consist of the following: preserving the memory of the opera diva Ghena Dimitrova and promoting her work and personality; supporting young opera singers and opera accompanists; digitising Ghena Dimitrova’s archive and creating a website; creating a municipal specialised collection in the singer’s native house; setting up a competition and award named after Ghena Dimitrova; promoting operatic art in general.
(3) The Website provides an opportunity for Visitors to make enquiries to the Foundation through the contact form, which we respond to after processing them.
(4) The Website provides an opportunity for interested persons to send a request for the purchase of any of the items offered by the Foundation – the book “Ghena Dimitrova from A to Z” by Dimitar Sotirov or Audio CD with the opera André Chénier, Live recording at Teatro Margherita, Genova, 1991, and other similar works. For the avoidance of any doubt, sales of the above items are only made on the spot at the Foundation’s office.
(5) By accessing and loading the Site, Visitors agree to be bound by these Terms of Use and any subsequent changes thereto, and abide by them when accessing and using the Website.
Article 2. (1) Information on the Foundation:
Name: GHENA DIMITROVA Foundation
UIC: 205403427
Seat and address of management: Mladost 1 Residential District, Block 98V, Entrance B, Apt. 56, Studentski Region, 1797 Sofia.
Correspondence data: Mladost 1 Residential District, Block 98V, Entrance B, Apt. 56, Studentski Region, 1797 Sofia, e-mail: foundationghenadimitrova@gmail.com
(2) Information on supervisory authorities:
1. Commission for Personal Data Protection:
Address: 2, Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov Blvd., 1592 Sofia
Tel.: 02/915 35 18, 02/915 35 15, 02/915 35 19
Fax: 02/915 35 25
E-mail: kzld@cpdp.bg
Website: www.cpdp.bg
2. Commission for Consumer Protection
Address: 1, Vrabcha Str., Floors 3, 4 and 5, 1000 Sofia
Tel.: 02/933 0565
Fax: 02/9884218
Consumer Tel.: 0700 111 22
Website: www.kzp.bg
Article 3. (1) All publications on the Site, including but not limited to texts, designs, programme codes, software, databases, photographs and graphic images and any other information, shall be the exclusive intellectual property of the Foundation and shall be subject to protection under the Copyright and Related Rights Act, and may not be used in any manner whatsoever without the prior written consent of the Foundation.
(2) Any unauthorised use of the materials published on the Site, without the permission of the Foundation, shall constitute an offence for which the offender shall be liable under civil, administrative criminal and criminal law in accordance with current Bulgarian legislation.
Article 4. (1) The Foundation shall not allow the use in any way of the content of the Site by visualising all or part of the materials published on the Site on another site.
(2) Referencing to materials on the Site from other sites shall be permissible if made in accordance with good manners and commercial practice and if the referencing and the way of presenting the reference do not create any doubt as to the Foundation’s copyright on the materials, so that Visitors are not misled.
Article 5. (1) The Foundation shall take measures to protect Visitors’ personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and the Personal Data Protection Policy published on the Foundation’s website.
(2) The Foundation shall not send identifying information to third parties and shall not require registration for Visitors to use the Site.
(3) The Foundation shall process personal data for direct marketing purposes only with the explicit consent of the person wishing to receive information related to the offered products, news, campaigns, etc.
(4) The Foundation shall collect and process personal data in compliance with the requirements and on the grounds set out in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) and the Personal Data Protection Act.
Article 6. The Visitor using the services and/or information on the Site shall:
1. comply with Bulgarian legislation and these Terms of Use of the Site’s resources;
2. not damage or destroy (crack) any systems or information arrays placed on the Website pages and sections.
Article 9. (1) These Terms of Use may be amended by the Foundation at any time and the Foundation shall promptly publish the amended Terms of Use on the Site, together with a notice to Visitors of the changes made.
(2) The amendments to these Terms of Use of the Website shall become effective for all Website Visitors from the time they are announced by the Foundation.
Article 10. (1) The Visitor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Foundation, including in the event of legal action and other claims by third parties (whether or not justified), against any and all damages and costs (including attorneys’ fees and court costs) arising out of or in connection with (1) failure to perform any of the contractual obligations, (2) infringement of copyright, production, broadcasting rights or other intellectual or industrial property rights, (3) unlawful assignment to other persons of the rights granted to the Visitor for the term and under the conditions of the contract and (4) false declaration of the presence or absence of the consumer status within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act.
(2) The Foundation shall not be liable in the event of force majeure, accidental events, Internet problems, technical or other objective reasons, including orders of the competent state authorities, which objectively prevent the use of the Website’s functionalities.
(3) The Foundation shall not be liable for any damages or lost profits to Visitors caused by materials published on the Site.
(4) The Foundation shall not be liable for any damages caused by Visitors to third parties as a result of the use of the Site and the materials contained thereon.
(5) The Foundation shall not be liable for the time during which the platform was unavailable due to force majeure or other objective circumstances beyond the Foundation’s control.
Article 11. The Foundation shall not be liable in the event that security measures of technical equipment are overcome and this results in loss of information, dissemination of information, access to information, restriction of access to information and other similar consequences.
Article 12. Site Visitors shall observe the ethical standards and shall not damage the reputation of the Foundation when using the Site and the materials contained thereon.
Article 13. For issues unsettled in these Terms of Use of the Website, relating to the performance and interpretation of this contract, the provisions of the current legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria shall apply.
Article 14. These Terms of Use of the Website shall become effective for all Site Visitors as of 16th September 2024.